Terugkijken op de teacher training in regio Unyolo, Malawi

De partner vertelt... van 3 juli 2018 door Mussa Nyirenda

Het is alweer een tijdje geleden, maar in december is er een driedaagse teacher training geweest voor leraren uit het Unyolo gebied. Het doel van de training was om de nieuw aangestelde leraren toe te rusten met extra kennis en vaardigheden om hun beroep goed uit te oefenen.

Van partnerorganisatie CCAP Malawi hebben we het verslag ontvangen van deze lerarentraining en deze laten we je graag lezen:

The teacher training

The Schools that were involved in the training were seven, namely Mkumbanjara, Chindenga, Lunga, Kaviwale, Mazanga, Chikumula and Rukulu. Three teachers from each school participated in the training. The training sessions were opened and closed with a prayer said by the participants. On Sunday there was a morning devotion done by one participant who read from Hosea chapter 4 verse 6 and Psalms 143 verse 10. The theme of the sermon was “My people are doomed because they have rejected me.” The participants were touched and blessed by the preaching.

In his welcome address Mr. Mussa Nyirenda, the District Project coordinator, welcomed the participants to the training and asked them to participate fully in the training and make use of the training to grow their knowledge and skills so that at the end of the day it would help in improving the education standards of the learners in the schools. He also encouraged the facilitators to cover the topics that they had prepared and also make sure that the participants are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge which will help them discharge their duties professionally.

The acting Education Director in his facilitation tackled issues bordering the teacher. The first area was on qualities of a good teacher. He allowed participants to explain who they think is a good teacher with very close reference to themselves. Participants were able to reflect what they had learned in college and the reality on the ground. Qualities mentioned were based on the teacher as a professional in class, the same teacher as a member of staff and also as part of the school community.

Staff development was the second area looked at by the same facilitator. Participants were encouraged to develop themselves professionally and academically. The facilitator who was once a primary school teacher was able to use his own case in explaining how one can develop academically and professionally. Cooperation among School Stakeholders was another area that took the center stage. Members looked at other players like the School Management Committee (SMC's), Mother Groups (MG's), Parent Teacher Associations (PTA's) who were looked at as equally very important for the smooth running of the school.
Infrastructure development was another topic that was looked at. Since infrastructure development done by World Servants is done in schools where the participants were drawn from, this was a very relevant topic. Participants were drawn into how best they could take care of infrastructure like school blocks, toilets and teacher houses.

Two primary school advisors (PEA's) for Unyolo and Luwerezi zones were also involved in the facilitation. They covered the following topics: National education standards, Children rights and freedom, Staff development and advisory support, School organization and management, Administration record keeping, varied teaching methodologies, assessments and Positive discipline in schools which address corporal punishment to learners. On National Educational standards, participants, most of whom were new in the system, were oriented on educational standards of the country based on National Educational Policy of 2008-2017. The topic gave the participant an insight of what is expected of education in Malawi. At the same time as the main players, how they would help the country in achieving the same.

Teachers have been subjected to prosecutions in courts through the office of ombudsman and other human rights activists. This has been due to punishments that some teachers impose on learners as they try to maintain discipline for the school.  Most of these punishments infringe the rights of learners. As a country where civil service is characterized by strikes and sit- ins, participants were oriented that these actions infringe the rights of children to education.

Staff development and advisory support was another area that was looked at by the same facilitators. Participants were reminded on why institutions like Teachers Development Centers (TDCs) which have PEAs were established. Ways of how they can make use of these facilities in their day to day professional work. In addition PEAs highlighted their supervisory role that they perform to teachers within their zones. As a continuation to what was covered within the topic of cooperation in school management, the facilitators also looked at school organization and management. This topic tried to bring into the attention of the participants on how a school is organized. Organogram for a school was developed and an explanation was given on how this is linked up with other community and government stake holders. Participants were made to appreciate that they are part of the Eco systemic approach that is practiced in trying to achieve the common educational goal.

Through discussions by participants and facilitators, the forum looked at different teaching methodologies. Participants appreciated that as teachers they need to be very dynamic in the use of teaching methods so that learners can be able to understand some difficult concepts covered in class. Examples of role play, discussions, dramatizations etc. were mentioned and explained how best they could be used. Participants were also briefed on administration record keeping. This was looked at a very important aspect within the teaching profession since it validates the work done or not done. More emphasis was made on records that show the progress of teaching and learning. Records like schemes and records of work, lesson plans, and progress records, summative and formative tests were also looked at.

Positive discipline in schools which address corporal punishment to learners. This was the last item to be looked at and yet very important. Participants were briefed on how corporal punishment is handled when it comes to positive discipline. Emphasis was made on how the head teachers have to be made aware when administering corporal punishment and the log books that have to be signed before giving it to a learner. Precautions that have to be taken regarding issues surrounding health, rights of a child and other related issues on the same.


  • Active participation which was demonstrated by participants during the training. This made the training to be very effective.
  • Attendance was 100 %. Despite the rains and slippery roads still all participants made to the training.
  • Enough resources for the training. Throughout the training there were enough training resources like writing materials for participants, charts, pental markers and masking tapes.
  • Support on the training by the CCAP officials. All the support rendered through finances, training stuff and even their presence was a success to the function.


  • Inadequate time to cover all the planned topics. Since the government does not support such trainings regularly, participants found the training very important such that time covered was looked at as not adequate. Participants would want to have more time so that teaching methods would be looked at based on specific subject coverage

Way forwaard

  • Conduct frequent monitoring of activities in schools. These would help in identification of gaps existing in schools that would be addressed accordingly.
  • Encourage exchange visits amongst participants to continue sharing the good practices acquired
  • Conducting review meetings that would help teachers and other government stake holders improve on their short falls.
  • Funds permitting such trainings should also target school community stake holders like PTA, SMC and MG who are the custodians of the infrastructures which are constructed by World Servant project.


In general the training was very fruitful and it achieved its objective. Since participants were made to believe that CCAP Synod of Livingstonia through World Servant project is more into constructions, they were overwhelmed with the training. They were equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to help them create a conducive environment for the learners and also to take teaching as a calling. The knowledge inculcated in them is a great treasure that will live to bear fruits that will be enjoyed by their schools, zones, education sector and Malawi as a nation there by achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4 of quality education for all.