Chamkoko bouwt verder aan verandering

Project update van 12 november 2021 door Mussa Nyirenda

Door extra fondswerving is er nu ook budget voor renovatie van bestaande lerarenwoningen en klaslokalen, dit zorgt ervoor dat naast de dit jaar gebouwede lerarenwoningen er straks een volwaarde school staat. Projectcoördinator Mussa vertelt hier meer over.

"Chamkoko is one of the communities which had poor infrastructure in the past. The school had only one permanent teachers house and four permanent classrooms. CCAP education department with support from World servants has constructed two permanent teachers houses and a double toilet. With the additional funds under renovations the school has been supported with one double toilet, kitchen with stores and washroom, renovation of two teachers houses and renovation of one school block with two classrooms. This support will give the school a new shape because the number of structures to be renovated is more than all the other projects and this will really transform the school."